Therapeutic Baths!

My Grandmother Savannah use to refer to showers as a “monkey bath”!  OMG! She was right AGAIN! Actually, that is what life eventually showed me about having the blessing of elderly wisdom, their insights and lifestyles were and are still on point with reverent truth and wisdom that remains TIMELESS! Among the most fond memories I hold of my Grandmother Savannah is the preparation of...
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Eating Is Discouraged Prior To A Massage

Eating immediately prior to therapeutic bodywork is highly discouraged. It is the equivalent of eating while working out.  Needless to say, that is not a practice any health provider would endorse.  Eating activates the digestive functions of the body which is a major physiological process. As a Practitioner, I am duty bound to offer ‘gentle reminders’ to Guests to enhance their...
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Pure Essential Oils

Essential oils are used to regenerate, oxygenate and stimulate the immune system. Their powerful antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals. Energetically, the oils raise and align the vibrational frequency of the body’s physiological functions restoring it to a healthy level. As an example, these EOs benefits are: Eucalyptus Strengthens respiratory system, increases...
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