Eating Is Discouraged Prior To A Massage

Eating immediately prior to therapeutic bodywork is highly discouraged. It is the equivalent of eating while working out.  Needless to say, that is not a practice any health provider would endorse.  Eating activates the digestive functions of the body which is a major physiological process. As a Practitioner, I am duty bound to offer ‘gentle reminders’ to Guests to enhance their appreciation for the most optimal wellness experience:

  • Avoid eating 1 hour prior to the massage.  Eating anything, including fruit, juices or protein base smoothies, activates the digestive system.  Digestion is meant to take place in an upright position.
  • Arrive at least 15-30 minutes before appointment to change into robe and slippers, steam, shower and relax to fully appreciate spa treatments.
  • Honor the No Cell Phone Zone: Leave Cell Phones, IT units and personal valuables in the locker.
  • Water is encouraged and offered to Guest after service to encourage exceptional health benefits of the body’s physiological functions.

Spa lovers share and boast about their experiences, which includes in-house wellness tips. Be mindful that wellness practices often travel through our Guests who have actually experienced life enhancing health standards.  TO LIFE! NOW!

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