The Importance of Preserving Ojas (Life Sap)!

Ojas, according to Ayurveda, means radiant, glowing and sound health. It is the essence of all the tissues (dhatus). In a fully grown up body, all the body functions work at an optimum level. Mind is cheerful and soul is enlightened with happiness. This state of the body, mind and soul is highly regarded as being “full of Ojas.”  A reverent quality and state of being that is happy for no particular reason!

All the factors that cause the depletion of Ojas are excessive actions relating to sex, abuse of medicinal and illegal drugs, sedentary life style, loose talking, loud music, insufficient rest, worries, anxiety, unsatisfied desires, jealousy, lust of worldly comforts, fear, cheerlessness, excessive sleeping, daytime sleeping, lack of exercise, over confidence, over eating, desire to rule over others and the like. In short, all inwardly and outwardly actions that disturb the daily balance life style of a person may lead to the depletion of Ojas.

Living a life with “energetic integrity” promotes a Zenful quality of self-preservation.  To delay the depletion of Ojas, Ayurveda prescribes certain herbal formulas that delay the process of decreasing of Ojas. Ayurvedic formulas sustain Ojas with qualities that are rejuvenating and immune enhancing. The physiological functions of the body are supported by Ojas. As a natural Ojas restorative, herbs like chyawanprash with ashtawarg (AMAZing antioxidants), ashwagandha, shilajit, amla, shatavari, triphala and/or seasonal dosages of hexane free castor oil helps to offset the aging process that ultimately contributes to a graceful and healthy life.

In Ayurvedic medicine, an old text – the Charaka Samhita – states that the cause of disease (at its most basic) is pragya aparadha. Pragya aparadha may be translated as “the mistaken intelligence.” It implies that disease most basic and fundamental cause is a disconnection from spirit. [NOTE: Depleting qualities of Ojas as aforementioned represent a disconnection to spirit.] It is a disconnection from the understanding of our fundamental spiritual nature, a lost memory of who we truly are, a focus on the intellect and/or the physical being to the exclusion of spirit. Ayurveda teaches that when there is connection through spirit to the infinite power of creation, there is no disease, there is access to all the healing power of the Universe; there is access to bliss. HUMBLE APPLAUSE TO ENERGETIC INTEGRITY!

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